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How to Efficiently Utilize Marketing SMS for Business

Starting a business is not very easy, especially in the early stages when you are trying to reach out to people. But as every business person knows, marketing is the cornerstone of a successful business. Without proper marketing, no business can ever achieve its goals. No matter how big a company is, they still promote their products and market themselves just like any other business. Of course, their way of marketing does change over time.

Importance of Marketing for a Business

But the undisputed fact is that marketing your business is an essential you need to work on. People usually hire a whole team for marketing purposes. There is usually a whole separate department for marketing in huge corporations. And these people have years of experience along with a Masters and Ph.D. in the field of marketing.

There are a few mediums through which you can market your business. There is email marketing, one of the most common mediums available. Then we have social media marketing, which has become very popular as of late. Video commercial ads have been popular and still are a very viable option. But one medium of marketing that you should never skip on and underestimate is, marketing through SMS. Marketing SMS for business should never be looked down on because it can be very efficient.

According to research and survey, more than 80% of Americans read and respond using SMS messages. This makes SMS a huge marketing tool which is essential in this day and age when many other mediums are slowly becoming obsolete. Due to the numbers and figures pointing that SMS has more potential than most mainstream marketing methods, it is important you step up your SMS marketing game.

If you are confused as to how you can efficiently utilize marketing SMS for business purposes, here are some tips and tricks which you can leverage to get more audience on board.

Tips and Tricks to Utilize Marketing SMS for Business

People often underestimate the potential of SMS marketing. We have seen big businesses using SMS as a medium of marketing efficiently and they have had great success in reaching out to customers. In fact, people are very responsive and even engage with their messages every now and then, fulfilling their reason for using SMS as a marketing medium.

If you observe these big names efficiently work out a plan to use SMS for marketing, you can find a similar pattern. If you can do what they do, you are sure to get similar results. Here are the tips and tricks that these companies use to get better results out of marketing SMS for business.

1-     Engage with Your Audience through SMS

If you want a maximum response from your audience, work on building a relationship with them. How you can do that through an SMS? You have to get personal with them, show that you care. When companies show care for their customers and audience, the audience gives back by being loyal to the brand and company. This has been the case most of the time. By sending personalized messages to the audience chances are you will get much more engagements from them.

The audience also likes to be informed of discounts and sales when they are available. SMS is the best way to do this as they are sure to read texts. Mobile Marketing Association claims that more than eighty-five percent of people who are sent marketing SMS for business respond and engage with it.

2-     Exclusive Offers

The best way to attract customers and audiences towards your business through SMS is none other than providing exclusive offers. It is one of the best ways you can attract customers to any business. And these offers need to be exclusively for SMS subscribers only. This will attract more subscribers to your SMS marketing. Since there is such a large number of engagements on texts, you are bound to get more sales if you give them offers through SMS.

3-     Time Your Messages

Time is one of the most essential things for a business. Everything needs to be timed properly, whether it is your marketing promotion or product launching. Marketing specifically requires you to time it properly because according to the time you will market it, you will get the maximum amount of response from audiences. We usually get the most marketing when we send messages to people when they are free from their daily work. Like for instance, during the evening when people get back from their jobs.

If you send a message too early or too late on a weekday, you can expect very few engagements and responses from people. This is just how things are in almost all forms of marketing these days, to be honest. But this is especially important when you are sending marketing SMS for business. So always make sure to time your promo properly.

4-     Create a Separate Team for SMS Marketing

If you are doing somewhat better off than most businesses, then chances are you already have a separate team for SMS marketing. If you do not though, it is a very good idea to do just that. If you have a whole team coming up with creative ideas to market your business via SMS then you will never have a shortage of ideas to choose from.

5-     Use a Clear and Concise Message

An SMS has only 160 characters you can use for promotion. This is a small amount and you cannot beat around the bush with such a small character count. So it is vital that you make sure your message is clear and is easily understandable. A concise and clear message about your promotion is sure to get more people on board than anything else.

Also, make sure to use call-to-action or CTA words and buttons. These are words that emphasize and push a person to take action on your marketing SMS. Some very important CTA words are:

·        Click the link: If you have a link attached in the SMS for a website that has a discount or promo, this will help people find the link and increase traffic on your website.

·        Visit the Nearest Store Today: This will encourage people to go to your store or outlet today and avail offers.

·        Click here: Just like click the link CTA, which pushes a person to visit the attached link.

·        Reply for Chance to Win: This is a great way to get engagement with your audience, by giving them an offer of winning if they reply.

6-     Follow Up SMS

Are you sending e-mail newsletters to your customers and subscribers? Send them a follow-up SMS so that they do not miss your newsletter and promotional e-mails. People often do not read their emails right away. The e-mail might also land in their Spam or Promotion folder if they are using Gmail. Since there are such a large response and engagement percentage of people on SMS, use it to get people on your other mediums of marketing.

7-     Add Links to Other Mediums

Adding links to your marketing SMS for business is quite a common practice these days. You will find many people landing on your website and social media page through SMS links. It is a very beneficial practice for any business. Always add social media page and website links to your SMS accompanied by a CTA word. This will increase the traffic on your websites and webpages. So your SMS marketing benefits other mediums of marketing as well.

With all of these essential tips and tricks, we are sure you will get an idea of how to increase the efficiency of your marketing SMS. You will be able to improve your SMS marketing strategy and gain a bigger audience since SMS has such a wide reach.

We have use a lot of services for SMS marketing, but one of the best websites that provide great services has to be GlobalText. It is one of the leading and easy to use SMS marketing tools in the market at the moment. We have used it for our newsletters in the past and have achieved great results. Our whole team found it very easy to use so when we were shorthanded on staff, anyone could actually use the services by the website. Not to mention it also one of the most affordable sites as well.


With just a few tweaks and adjustments, your SMS marketing game can become very strong. In fact, you will have even better results than what you might receive from other mainstream methods as we have mentioned above. These are very easy to pull off changes and do not require a lot of resources. Except for hiring a whole team for the job of SMS marketing, you can see that there is not a lot of things you have to do to get results. For more information click here.

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